
samedi 5 octobre 2013

CSI case #91 - My baby girl

Voici ma participation pour le dossier #91 sur CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration.  / Here is my participation for the case file #91 on CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration.

Evidence: Leaves, Stripes, bird, metal accent, border puch and riboon

Testimony: (September 28 is Love Note Day)
Letter to you, my daughter!
Maybe I don't have wealth
to offer you the most beautiful tricks,
but I am here for you at every moment
and I do it with everything I have inside.
Maybe I did no degree to boast,
to give me a sense of pride,
but I gave you life,
Is this not the most beautiful of the challenges?
I certainly do not have the merit of being a perfect mother,
or rather imperfect
but I am guided by my love for you,
and all the resources that I have in me.
I certainly do not have the quality to always have patience,
I draw from the human its essence
but what I do, I do with all my knowledge,
to take you in the right direction.
You're my little sunshine, I love you ... Mom

2 commentaires:

PRETTY a dit...

Superbe ta page et bienvenue sur le forum atelier à scrap

Marek a dit...

WOWOW superbe Étoile !! Et quelle jolie demoiselle tu as!!!